expert talks about drought impact and the alternatives for Southern Brazil producers Embassy and Consulates in Brazil Closed June 18 for Holiday and Santa Catarina scientists discuss the importance of marine space planning for sustainable development

Embassy and Consulates recognize eight Brazilian women for their crucial community work U.S. donates disaster response structure to Minas Gerais.Embassy Branch Office in Belo Horizonte Public Affairs Section Annual Program Statement FY 2021 Embassy Branch Office announces call for proposals for projects for 2021 and Brazil High Level Working Group on Agriculture and Climate Change resumes discussions Fact Sheet: U.S.-Brazil Health Cooperation.Southern Commander visits Brasilia and Manaus and Brazilian Armies to participate in Exercise Southern Vanguard 22 Government provides additional USD$18.2 million for urgent COVID-19 assistance in Brazil Fish & Wildlife Service and Polícia Federal coordinate joint enforcement actions to combat trafficking of rare and endangered timber from Brazil The United States and the State of Bahia Sign a Memorandum of Understanding to Strengthen Bilateral Cooperation.Visit of DHS Assistant Secretary for International Affairs to Brasilia.seeks ten emerging leaders from northern Brazil – registration open until December 10 higher education opportunities for low-income Brazilian students